Mid Wessex Singers July 2023

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We are a friendly group of people who enjoy singing.
Since our formation in 1999 we have performed two concerts a year, at Christmas and in spring.
We sing an exciting, eclectic mix of music from madrigals to musicals, classical to 21st century. Never a dull moment!
As a registered charity we provide entertainment to people in care homes and sheltered housing, and we contribute to celebrations of special events in the local area. We make donations to other charities from the proceeds of our concerts.

New members are always welcome; we do not hold auditions, so why not come along one Tuesday evening for a free taster session?

Where: West Street Church Hall, Somerton TA11 7PRmid wessex singers 2
When: Tuesday evenings 7-9pm during autumn and Spring Terms
Membership: £50 per term, paid at the beginning of the term or half term.

One of the great things that the choir brings to us all is being part of a big group of friends, who share a love of music and singing. Being part of a community is good for you – as the recent lock-downs have shown us. Singing in a choir is also known to be good for both our physical and mental health.

Beginning of autumn term 2023: Tuesday 5th September.
Christmas Concert 2023: Saturday 16th December, St. Michael’s Church, Somerton.

Contact details: Mrs Sheena Smith, Secretary Mid Wessex Singers.
Email: sheenasmith7113@gmail.com,
Tel: 01458 899677 or 07768704883.
Web: https://www.midwessexsingers.co.uk


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