Dear Parishioners
A six week consultation on school admissions arrangements for children who are due to start, transfer or move schools during the 2020-21 school year is currently taking place.
This consultation applies to the admission arrangements for Somerset Local Authority and for those schools and academies who have contracted with the Local Authority to consult on their admission arrangements on their behalf.
This consultation allows parents, early years settings, schools, religious authorities and the local community to make any comments on proposed admission arrangements.
In order to help us consult effectively with parents I would be very grateful if you could promote the consultation by displaying the attached poster, posting on your Facebook/social media page or by adding to your newsletters. Alternatively, you may be able to think of a more effective way to promote to parishioners.

For a copy of the admission arrangements and details of how to make comments, please contact (01823) 356671 or visit  on the page School Admissions Policy.
Many Thanks in advance for your help.
Kind regards

School Admissions Team

Admissions and Entitlements Team
Access & Additional Learning Needs
County Hall

 Somerset Direct - 0300 123 2224



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