The long awaited conversion of the former tennis club courts at the Memorial Field to a modern Multi Use Games Area has come to fruition at last! After sporadic discussion over at least ten years, Town Councillor Paddy Mounter championed the project for the Memorial Field Management Committee with a small and dedicated team, members of the Social Club or Management Committee who could see the advantages a MUGA would bring to the area. When Paddy very sadly died, Julie Worthing took the lead role in the project as was his wish.
South Somerset District Council Officers Les Collett and Adrian Moores and fundraising advisor Louise Treacher provided strong support as grants were pursued to fund the £130,000 project. The main contributors were: Sport England, South Somerset District Council, Huish Episcopi Parish Council, Langport Town Council, Avon and Somerset Police, Garfield Weston, ABP Food Group (Langport), Leonard Leity Stoate Charitable Trust, Langport Events Group, Langport and District Friendly Society, community fund raising events and personal donations. The superb facility was opened by Paddy's granddaughter Kitty and her mother Alice on Sunday 31st March 2013.
Photographs by Paul Lines –
For background information please refer to 'Did you know?' dated 12th February 2013